Pedro Bessa (1963)
Licenciatura [Licence] in Artes Plásticas-Pintura (Escola Superior de Belas Artes do Porto, 1990); scholarships from Foundation Calouste Gulbenkian and Foundation Eng.o António Almeida to studied at School of Visual Arts, in New York (1990); M. A. in Fine Art and Theatre: interdisciplinary and theoretical studies - Wimbledon School of Arts/ University of Surrey (1993); Lecturer of Contemporary Drawing at Escola Superior Artistica do Porto (1995); PhD. in Design Studies (Universidade de Aveiro, 2005), under supervision of Dr Cheryl Buckley, Reader em Design History, University of Northumbria, Newcastle -upon- Tyne.
Currently Professor at the Design course, Departamento de Comunicação e Arte / Universidade de Aveiro, research area: Design and Gender Studies; member of the Portuguese Association of Women Studies / APEM, and the European Academy of Design; former associate editor of the Design Journal. |